Using the options listed above you should get an s rank on your first date with hugo in dream daddy.
Mat dream daddy s rank 3rd date.
How do you get s rank on mat s 3rd date.
I keep getting b rank on this date so i figured there s gotta be a trick to the minigame but if it s actually just nonsense i m stumped.
I got s on his last two dates and i am picking the correct responses that earn hearts during the date but can only get a.
Using the options listed above you should get an s rank on your second date with mat in dream daddy.
Using the options listed above you should get an s rank on your first date with craig in dream daddy.
Hi i literally made a reddit just to ask how do u get a s rank for mat s third date the highest ive gotten is a.
Mat s 3rd date mini game uh am i missing how to play the keyboard.
Every other game there s a clear way to win and with this one it feels like you re just flailing at the keys like a toddler.
I have replayed this date like 10 times and i can only get a.
Now is your time to figure out how to get all the endings with each of these dads.
A dad dating simulator.
Hey dream daddy fans.
Next you ll want to make your way through the game then message mat for your third and final date.
S rank for mat 3rd date.
After that you ll have successfully completed your first date with craig and will have scored an impressive s rank.
Next you ll want to make your way through the game then message hugo for your second date.
After that you ll have successfully completed your second date with mat and will have scored another impressive s rank.
A dad dating simulator is blowing up in popularity.
After that you ll have successfully completed your first date with hugo and will have scored an impressive s rank.