The expansionpanel component was renamed to accordion to use a more common naming convention.
Mat expansino panel expanded.
You can learn more about the difference by reading this guide.
Remember expanded state on mat expansion panel upon component update.
I m working with an asp net project using angular 7 and angular material.
Matexpansionpanel provides an expandable details summary view.
You can still collapse it when you click the toggle header.
With angular 7 the mat expansion panel when it is in a mat dialog will flash from expanded to closed when the dialog is initially displayed.
What is the expected behavior.
The expansion panel is created by adding the mat expansion panel element directive as a wrapper for each panel.
Essentially these objects are just a snapshot of properties on a running pump and the pump s id.
There are upwards of 50.
Therefore i don t want the panel to open when clicked instead i have my own click listener that will dispatch the right action that will lead to the panel to open.
The mat expansion panel header shows a summary of the panel content and acts as the control for expanding and collapsing.
You should use import accordion from material ui core or import accordion from material ui core accordion.
I want to control my mat expansion panel solely with the panel s expanded input property i am using ngrx as state management.
Adding expanded true to mat expansion panel will expand the panel initially.
I have a service which does a get to obtain a list of objects from a local database sqlite every 10 seconds.
Let s discuss accordion directives which are used in a template to build an expansion panel component.
Pcnate commented on jul 26 2018 is this documented on http material angular io.