If true expands the panel otherwise collapse it.
Mat expansion panel content.
Setting this prop enables control over the panel.
The content inside mat expansion panel has to show synchronously with the panel s animation without outrunning.
These panels can be clicked to expand collapse to show description area.
The dynamic content gets provided by the app widget container element that receives selector and settings values compiles and displays its content at runtime and optionally passes the settings to the enclosed component.
In this post we ll implement expansion panel which can also be converted into an accordion component in angular application using material ul library.
By the way if there are several panels then all of them have the bug except last one.
See css api below for more details.
Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
What is the current behavior.
If true the panel will be displayed in a disabled state.
Specifies an inline style for an dom element.
Material expansion panel component is used to show the detailed summary to the end user.
Gets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the created element.
As you can see for each entry in the settings object we create an expansion panel and map name title and content.
Matexpansionpanel provides an expandable details summary view.
The content shows immediately and completly at the moment when the panel begins to open bypassing its animation.
If true expands the panel by default.
Specifies one or more classnames for an dom element.