Geowulf july 11 2019 0.
Mat farming gw2.
I have farmed multiple of each of the whelps and 10 disgusting oozelings.
Focusing mainly on t3 t4 mats.
In guild wars 2 many currencies can be found each used in a different aspect of the.
I would rather farm things that have really really really really low drop rates like pets in wow than to farm things like mats.
Guild wars 2 guild wars 2 all currencies pve pvp dungeons keys.
Because that s how i level d.
Maximum yield for me was 20 scales in a one hour period but usually averages out to about 10 or so.
One of those mindless grinds that when it hits you make a buttload of gold.
Guild wars 2 the best gold farming methods.
Gold is the main currency of the.
Geowulf september 13 2018 0.
Welcome back to another 1 hour gold farm.
Made awesome gold while leveling characters.
It is very fast due to grenades being op underwater and turrets doing a lot of damage.