Unkown on 16 apr 2015.
Mat file to txt matlab.
How to create the loop so that it will convert all of the class.
Hello my question is simple and please i request a simple answer how to convert a big table of data mat to a text file preserving the same size.
Learn more about matlab.
From mat to txt.
How to convert all of them 5classes inside the mat into 1 single txt file.
I need to save the full text file as a mat file.
I have a text file having data with each row having the format.
Learn more about convert text file mat file file txt txt file linux.
Each class has 1x20000 matrix.
I have one mat file which contain 5 class.
I do not even understand what it does.
It does create a text file which is in notepad with name myfile txt however this txt file puts all the elements of the 1st row 2nd row 3rd row etc.
Ive tried below coding but it can only convert class1 only i want all of the class.
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I already tried tetxscan but i run into cell within cell issue.
How to convert a txt file into mat.
I have close 2k such rows.
I assume you want to use the file outside of matlab otherwise just saving to a mat file would be far better.
Name of file specified as a character vector or string scalar.
I just wanted it to remain in the same way as before but just with tab separated and in txt.
How do i get that.
Where traindata 0 txt is my text file containing very large data save ftn save it in mat file.
If filename has no extension that is no period followed by text and the value of format is not specified then matlab appends mat if filename does not include a full path matlab saves to the current folder.
Converting any mat file into txt in matlab.