On 20 march 2012 02 40 asha g dend 15 wrote.
Mat files octave.
The following characters cannot be used in filenames.
File naming constraints.
The lack of compatibility between matlab and octave with respect to mat files in 7 3 format means that there is no way by which variables 2gb can be shared between matlab and octave users.
Octave s default so called mat file format is not a binary mat file at all it is in fact a text file format that octave developed for itself.
Save the data in octave s text data format.
Bottom line is that you can say.
If i unzip your file and do load.
In case you wind up having to write code to read the mat file ever.
For instructions on how to open a data file see basic reading and writing data from a file.
A way to fix this lack of compatibility would be porting or supporting the matlab mat file i o library.
This is explained in the octave documentation.
I ve done this before and it was not difficult but was time consuming.
The reason why octave users would like to load v7 3 mat is the.
How do i do it.
Here s a link that might be a good start.
Enhanced file size unfortunatly the mat files are generated by matlab.
To open an m file you can use file open or type open filename.
Octave for windows retains the file naming constraints set by dos.
Not sure which version of mat file you might have or whether octave keeps up with the latest matlab formats.
Load mymatfile mat right at the octave prompt.
And my hope since 10 mounth was that the new octave that came out in feb.