Angular material button module matbuttonmodule mat button mat raised button mat icon button mat fab mat mini fab enhances the user experience of normal buttons button and anchor a tags by following material design principles.
Mat icon not found.
Mat icon is not a known element in angular.
When you want to perform an action in webpage use button and use an anchor tag to navigate to other pages.
Buttons are placed anywhere in webpage and also places.
Uppercase which was causing the icon to just display the content arrow forward.
Mat icon is part of angular material module called maticonmodule we can use font ligature as an icon by putting the ligature text in mat icon component.
To render the selected mat icon in a mat select component.
This will then result in the component not appear in your module.
What is the expected behavior.
Mat form field is not a known element in angular you are at the correct place to find the solution.
Bug feature request or proposal.
What is the current behavior.
What are the steps to reproduce.
I had to change the text transform.
Providing a stackblitz reproduction is the best way to share your issue.
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Else this maticonregistry addsvgicon name this domsanitizer bypasssecuritytrustresourceurl assets path to icons.
I was a novice to the angular at that time.
By nachiket panchal hey angular geek if you have the error ng8001.
Mat icon does not render when an option is selected in a mat select but does render in the mat option.
Import maticonmodule from angular material icon.
What is the current behavior.
I have not encountered any issues using the standard material icon font.
None on the icon specifically otherwise it would not render.
If you don t need icons to be actually rendered by server you can just replace icons with epmty svg.
I was developing a mini project using angular 9 at the front end with the angular material theme.
I am trying to implement buttons that have custom svg icons using angular material 7 2 and angular 7 2 11.
String if isplatformserver this platformid register empty icons for server side rendering to prevent errors this maticonregistry addsvgiconliteral name this domsanitizer bypasssecuritytrusthtml svg svg.
Icons are not displayed.
I ran into the issue of icons not displaying for me.
I had followed the steps provided by basavaraj bhusani however still not working.
I found the issue was that in my scss i had the text transform.
So it will not reference back to the imports for the mat label.
We have to import maticonmodule from angular material modules.