For example static relative absolute and fixed.
Mat list left bottom align items inside.
I would like the content of the header to be vertically aligned to the bottom of the header section so the last line of text sticks to the bottom of the header section.
Use the align self property of each item to override the align items property.
Definition and usage the align items property specifies the default alignment for items inside the flexible container.
This property has no effect on non positioned elements.
As you can see now all items have a height value of auto.
This seems to work well for any line height no matter which one is bigger the icon or the text.
The bottom property affects the vertical position of a positioned element.
Bullet points will now align absolutely to the left and multi line list items will align verticaly after the bullets.
Basic property of css.
Note that putting my text inside another element is important as well.
This just centers the top left corner of the child element vertically and horizontally.
The header section is fixed height but the header content may change.
This means they are as tall as the content inside them.
Vertical align list items with css using list style position property.
The position property specifies the type of positioning method used for an elements.
You also can change align items.
Edit the css code.
To something else to achieve what you want.
To truly center the child element apply a negative top margin set to half the child element s height and a negative left margin set to half the child element s width.
We ll easily change the html list vertical alignment by adding the css property list style position with the value outside to it.
With css grid layout the grid itself within its container as well as grid items can be positioned with the following 6 properties.
Text align in angular material md grid tile doesn t work.