Link adding sort to table headers.
Mat sort header.
These headers should be contained within a parent element with the matsort directive which will emit an matsortchange event when the user triggers sorting on the header.
The matsortheader and matsortheaderrow are used respectively to add sorting state and display to tabular data.
What is the expected behavior.
The complete html file looks like this.
Moreover we need to place the mat sort header directive for each header cell that will trigger sorting.
Specifies an inline style for an dom element.
The sort arrows are still there with opacity.
Following is the content of the modified module descriptor app module ts.
Import ngmodule from angular core.
Returned elementref reference for dom element.
Specifies one or more classnames for an dom element.
Modifying the table tag is going to be our first task.
The sort headers should be outright removed from the dom or given display.
To add sorting behavior and styling to a set of table headers add the mat sort header component to each header and provide an id that will identify it.
Also we have to add mat sort header to each column.
Add mat sort header to th mat header cell of each column.
So let s do that now.
Gets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the created element.
Import browseranimationsmodule from.
Matsort is the selector of matsort directive that manages the sort state and provide default sort parameters.
The mat sort header and matsort an angular directives are used to add sorting capability to a table header.
Notice carefully where we have added matsort to table table and mat sort header to th th of each column.
It allows clicking header element to change sorting and displays arrow for sort direction.
0 what happens is that they are not wired to appear or be clickable when hovered.
Import browsermodule from angular platform browser.
In this chapter we will showcase the configuration required to show a sort header using angular material.
However when the mat header cell is given center or right alignment it gets a bit offset as the arrow s size is also.
None what is the current behavior.