The angular material spinner component can be used to show a circular load.
Mat spinner example.
Now you only need to add the following template where you want to show it mat progress spinner mode indeterminate mat progress spinner option properties color.
In this chapter we will showcase the configuration required to draw a deterministic as well as indeterministic progress spinner using angular material.
This module basically provides us with two spinner components mat progress spinner and mat spinner the first one mat progress spinner is a determinate spinner which has a value attribute that can be between 0 and 100 let s see this example bellow.
One is default option and another is custom template.
Ng4 loading spinner is an opensource example that provides two options for our asynchronous calls.
Mat progress spinner mode determinate mat progress spinner no progress indicator as there is no value property.
The progress spinner is implemented by adding the mat progress loader component in the template.
Mat progress spinner determinate mode example.
Npm i ng4 loading spinner save.
This spinner looked like a circle with effects and also given in material angular.
These elements you can use in your any website and also you can modify colors.
Here the value is static.
Color property accepts only default themepalettes or our own custom themes.
Npm i ng4 loading spinner save.
And this can be used by a simple command using npm.
Value property is must when we use determinate progress spinner otherwise no progress indicator will be visible.
Npm i ng4 loading spinner save.
Existing color that applies theming mat spinner color example giving custom color to mat progress spinner.
Mat spinner color issue 11024 angular components github bug feature request or proposal.
Step by step beginner s tutorial on how to use angular material spinner component.
In these components we modify the spinner class to own colors and used parent class to mat spinner tags.