I tried to fork the mat spinner example given and that works perfectly.
Mat spinner size.
For example to resize height and width of mat spinner to 50px.
To change the size of mat spinner we have to use diameter property.
Import matprogressspinnermodule from angular material.
Our goal is to apply a spinner on top of any component that relies on an http request.
Div fxlayout row fxlayoutalign space around center style height 100 mat spinner diameter 50 strokewidth 5 mat spinner div.
I am using the angular material library to make things simpler.
Progress spinner in angular using mat progress spinner the default height and width of mat spinner is 100px.
The default height and width of mat spinner is 100px.
So the default stroke width of mat spinner is 10px to change the stroke width of mat progress spinner we can use strokewidth property.
The only difference that i could see is the way you import the progress spinner module instead of importing it from a specific path do this.
In this chapter we will showcase the configuration required to draw a deterministic as well as indeterministic progress spinner using angular material.
The mat progress spinner an angular directive is used to show a progress spinner with material styling.
Mat spinner custom color changing size of mat spinner using diameter.
Give daimeter value as 50.
Angular material2 mat spinner resize as you mentioned the svg content inside md spinner will scale to the container s size so applying width and height to the md spinner should usually stroke width of progress spinner track will be 10 of progress spinner diameter.
Spinner text size are called as spinner inside items font size which is easily changeable if we are setting up textview items all we have do is defining text size in textview layout xml.
40px color primary mat spinner has no effect since upgrade to beta 12.
To change the size of we can create a progress spinner in angular using material design component mat progress spinner or mat spinner.