Setting selected index to dynamically added step create a mat stepper component that renders mat step elements from an array.
Mat step stepcontrol.
Andreelrico commented on dec 20 2019.
Add an id to your stepper e g.
Stepper then in your goback and goforward methods pass the stepper id.
Enable disable the click on the step header.
Button mat button matsteppernext next button div mat step mat step code for the third step mat step mat horizontal stepper i would like to use two formgroups in step 2.
Keep rest of the files unchanged.
3 angular material stepper with form example.
One is using a single form for stepper and the other is using a different form for each step.
The view looks ok the user can do what he need to do in the wanted step but after that the user need to continue to next steps.
It is possible to jump to a specific stepper by using selectedindex property of the matstepper also matstepper exposes public methods next and previous you can use them to move back and forth.
Currently it changes the element name at runtime ignoring the id and the added class names so we can t intercept the single element via css.
For each mat step the stepcontrol attribute can be set to the top level abstractcontrol that is used to check the validity of the step.
Create a project with a name materialapp as explained in the angular 6 project setup chapter.
Step 1 to use mat icon component we need to import the maticonmodule step 2 to override the icons import the stepper global options to provide the stepper options to modify in component.
Let increment 1.
This also works as intended.
The second input field is only visible if any variable 1.
Give us an option to identify the elements via its id or our class name.
Mat vertical stepper mat step label step 1 step 1 content will be here mat step mat step label step 2 step 2 content will be here mat step mat step label step 3 step 3 content will be here.
Only the step control does not do what i want.
For let i 0.
Compile and run the application to verify the result of the implemented logic.
I increment this steps push stepper children i as htmlelement.
Well not only the step headers but the single step mat step.
2 because angular adds 2 elements for each horizontal step stepper document queryselector mat horizontal stepper header container.
There are two possible approaches.
If stepper increment 2.