This would allow you to pass in a boolean that s maintained in your component to disable or enable a mat step dynamically.
Mat stepper disabled.
Boolean whether the option is disabled.
We want to set custom cursor for disabled steps in linear stepper.
The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled.
This is done either by passing in a formgroup to the mat step with the stepcontrol input e g.
The mat tab group an angular directive is used to create a tabbed layout.
You need to tell the several mat steps what it means to have completed the step.
The two step is reversible one way up it offers a 4 inch step the other a 6 inch step.
I ve come across a situation where i need to navigate to the third step of a horizontal stepper on view.
Form formgroup form ngsubmit submit mat horizontal stepper mat step.
Mat step stepcontrol customerform or by passing in a boolean with the completed input that gives you more freedom.
Then we ve added content using mat step.
As first we ve created stepper using mat stepper.
I am using ngx formly with mat stepper.
I am able to get the form but the stepper isn t showing the dropdown list stepper.
The mat has excellent grip due to the large number of.
Angular material 7 tabs.
Please describe the feature you would like to request.
What is the use case or motivation for this proposal.
Please add api to add custom css classes to mat step header.