Employee mail services.
Mat su business license.
Newly established businesses applying for a borough business license after december 1st will be issued a business license for the following biennial period.
Your license number can be found on your business license or you can contact the borough if your license has expired you will need to apply for a per borough code business license renewals will start november 15th of the year your license expires.
Did you receive a notice for renewal.
You will receive a notification when your license is available for renewal.
Mat anuska su sitna borough.
Business licenses are issued biennially for a two year period or for any part thereof.
Mat su convention and visitors bureau.
Search and add an existing license to my licen ses view b y usi ng your mat su borough business license number.
Mat su borough school district.
The biennial period will begin with january 1 of the year the license is being applied for and end december 31 of the following year.
It is your responsibility to acquire the appropriate licenses for each city.
To comply with borough code renewals will begin starting november 15th of the year your license expires.
Amount in dollars mat anuska su sitna borough.
Serve on a borough board.