All rise placement tests are multiple choice administered by computer and untimed.
Mat test durham.
Admissions process subject requirements level and grade.
If you wish that university to take your mat score into consideration you must provide them with your mat registration number.
A level offer a a a a aa.
All schools currently registered for the mat and step will be automatically registered for tmua and information will be available either through your school or the caat website.
The test is taken in november and the results are sent by cambridge.
Most students need 45 60 minutes to complete each of the rise tests.
There are two rise english tests.
The mat results are sent directly to durham university and the university of bath securely and automatically with encryption that prevents them from reading your mat score without your permission.
Student performance on each rise math test corresponds with the rise tiers that are used for placement into college level courses with or without corequisite support and into the mat 003 transition math course.
If students do not earn a 70 or higher on test 2 then they cannot take test 3.
Test of mathematics for university admission.
On this site you will be able to learn more about our vision for the mat and the schools which form our trust.
Please see below mat wide policies please note some of these policies pre date the name change to the durham and newcastle diocesan learning trust these will be updated in line with the trust policy review schedule to reflect the new name but in the meantime continue to apply as set out below.
Durham and newcastle diocesan learning trust is a company limited by guarantee company number 10847279 and exempt charity registered in england and wales at cuthbert house stonebridge durham dh1 3ry.
In order to promote fairness and to enhance the possibility for alternate offers the university uses the test of mathematics for university admissions tmua in conjunction with the cambridge assessment admissions testing service.
The durham and newcastle diocesan learning trust is an important part of the diocesan vision for education for the church of england dioceses of durham and newcastle where we work with 102 schools and almost 30 000.
Suitable performance in the university admission tests tmua or mat or 1 in any step will lead to the lower a aa offer a a in mathematics and further mathematics either way round plus a in any other a level or equivalent.
Durham and newcastle diocesan learning trust is a company limited by guarantee company number 10847279 and exempt charity registered in england and wales at cuthbert house stonebridge durham dh1 3ry.
Durham tech administers the rise placement tests to eligible students.
Welcome to the durham and newcastle diocesan learning trust website.