Do remember that you need to allocate the iplimage structure which is lack in.
Mat to dlib.
Cannot convert from const cv mat to iplimage with dlib 19 19 and opencv 4 2 0 1955 leonyu1010 opened this issue dec 24 2019 5 comments comments.
This is opencv mat image array2d byte gray null.
You will need to extract the image header information manually.
Dlib mat converts basically anything into a dlib matrix expression that aliases the memory of whatever you pass it.
Var array pool takebuffer size.
I didnt post our code where there is a copy from our data structur to cv mat first and then an assign image as indicated above.
Var array new byte size.
They re used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task.
Target dlib array it s grayscale 1 byte per pixel int size src width src height src elemsize.
Marshal copy src data array 0 size.
Yo re correct about one memory copy.
It does not copy anything.
1494 comment where someone asked the same question only later to report that this isn t an issue.
You can also convert from a dlib matrix or image to an opencv mat using dlib tomat.
We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better e g.
I take an array from pool but you can use also.
I will check your suggestion and.
Cv mat is the new type introduce in opencv2 x while the iplimage is the legacy image structure.
See also this recent thread.
Armadillo and eigen libraries have matrix objects which can be converted into dlib matrix objects by calling dlib mat on them.
Although cv mat does support the usage of iplimage in the constructor parameters the default library does not provide function for the other way.
2 copy link elaxsu commented oct 31 2019.
Here s what it looks like when i detect and plot every.
You need to post more detailed instructions because i am not able to reproduce this.