Dnb step at mat zo s rare dnb set nocturnal wonderland 2019 sorry for the blur only 2 videos i got.
Mat zo dnb set.
Now signed up by mat zo for his mad zoo imprint rohaan gets set to release his debut album bleach in april.
Presenting mat zo s latin infused contribution to the ukf10 album.
Rohaan burner mad zoo.
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But it was such a good set.
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Burner is the first single to be taken from the lp and sets the tone with rohaan s freshest take on d b.
320 kbps cbr playtime.
Lastly set point takes the opposite approach and focuses heavily on the forward moving drum loop.
59 mins 0 58 57 filesize.
With loads and loads and loads of distortion added on top and a few very techy but also in your face large horn blasts that sound like they could come from the abstract elephants the cover art depicts the trio manages to get me moving every time.
Diverse uk bass music producer rohaan has been making waves these last few years with a range releases spanning broken beats to drum bass.
Stayhome and rave withme matzo follow insomniac founder pasquale rotella.
Http ukf io gamesyo grab the vinyl usb bundle for ukf1.
Blâst øff râvë ppl vïrtûal cøundøwn ïz hëre.
73 23 this month report this file.
Keep your eyes peeled for more music in the coming weeks.
Mat zo s full 2 hour drum n bass mix he posted on soundcloud earl.