That being said the minimum value of math random 10 is 0 while the upper exclusive bound is 10.
Math floor math random is null.
So it might give you 3.
Then by taking the math floor we take an integer number in range 0 10 since math floor returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number.
Adding one to this expression result in a number in the range 1 11.
The first line of code randomly shuffles the array and the second line returns a random umber between 0 and 10.
Description because floor is a static method of math you always use it as math floor rather than as a method of a math object you created math is not a constructor.
Math random used with math floor can be used to return random integers.
Math floor math random num gives you a random integer number between 0 and num including 0 but not including num.
Math floor null returns 0 not a nan.
Returns a random integer from 0 to 9.
Example math floor math random 10.
Const random min max return math floor math random max min 1 min.