To do this you will have to use some other methods from the math object math floor rounds down to the nearest integer and math ceil rounds up to the nearest integer.
Math floor math random max min 1 min.
For example if you need to select.
126 94014012699063 generating a random integer between 0 and a max.
Function getrndinteger min max return math floor math random max min 1 min.
The max min 1 is the logic that creates the range.
Const random min max return math floor math random max min 1 min.
Now we re getting a number from 0 to whatever our range size was.
The first line of code randomly shuffles the array and the second line returns a random umber between 0 and 10.
That s where we get math floor math random max min 1.
Using math floor will give you perfectly even distribution.
When you add the min at the end you are adding the 2 to your range and end up with a random number from 2 to 10.
2 the built in function math random creates a random value from 0 to 1 not including 1.
In the example of a random color background the range of colors and specifics such as hues saturations and shades can be set.
For another method for generating a random hex color check out.
Math floor just chops off the decimal.
Var min 83 1.
Var max 193 36.
Function getrandomarbitrary min max return math random max min min.
If we wanted a number from 7 to 11 it s a random number from 0 to 5.
Getting a random integer between two values this example returns a random integer between the specified values.
Var x math random max min min.
Write the function random min max to generate a random floating point number from min to max not including max.
Const x math floor math random max min 1 min you could use the math round method instead of floor but that would give you a non uniform distribution.
A random number from min to max importance.
This means that both max and min will have half a chance to come out as an outcome.