Comment by jjanchan fantastic summary of the professions.
Mats needed for legion cauldron.
Use wod alchemy to level it up if you are 100 and starting.
Desert ruins gamemat 39 95.
Instead it takes a dozen mats for a single potion when any decent raider is using 2 per pull.
The fact that it takes a min of 1 alchemist to make this themselves in 2 days due to transmute blizz should be getting rid of this binds to account crap.
All shadowlands potions require a minimum level of 51 to use and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Boon of the butcher appear to be.
The patch to do that in for bfa should have been 8 0.
It has been replaced in the materials needed for the tailoring flying carpet mount.
New blacksmithing mount arcadian war turtle now a vendor mount the legion summit interviews revealed that epic jc gems like saber s eye of intellect are boe and intended for everyone to use not just jcs.
There used to be a guild perk that increased duration of guild cauldron flasks this was removed in 5 0 4 but let s hope blizzard revisits guild perks in legion.
Rank 2 recipes lower the amount of reagents needed for crafting.
The mats are generally inexpensive on auction house and can also be obtained in the herb garden or trading post.
Upgrade your star wars.
Besides the usual potions that grant stat increases there are now a bigger number of potions with fun combat effects like battle for azeroth s potion of unbridled fury.
It started with legion due to the insanity that was starlight rose or whatever it s called but alleviated because they added the easy to mass produce prolonged power potions in a patch.
Legion mats are expensive still in 7 2 on ah and even with flying now available a bit time consuming.
Mug mats for the learning cauldron posted 27th september 2018 1st november 2018 jane laserflair co uk karen from the learning cauldron tutors children in english and german and every year she gives her tutees a wee gift.
For the legion one it seems like it is simply a 20 flask cost for a 30 use cauldron.
The shoulder enchants e g.
A few updates to throw in at your leisure.
Most rank 2 recipes can be purchased from the alchemy trainer once you reach a high enough skill level however some such as mystical cauldron are acquired differently.
It should be sellable for the effort and mats needed to get the shadestones.
Shadowlands potions in shadowlands potions are now divided in the profession menu as combat potions and utility potions.
This mat is the ideal companion to the desert junkyard gamemat and the two products combine to make a 3 x 6 play area perfect for standard sized games.
Here are some links to help with my advice.
Unbroken claw unbroken tooth transmutagens empyrium felslate leystone all your meat all your fish your gems stonehide leather stormscale your herbs your legion herbalism seeds shaldorei silk and lightweave but keep a stack of each for crafting tailoring transmogs.
Rank 3 recipes have a chance to create multiple extra items at no extra cost.