Michigan power of attorney forms.
Medical power of attorney template michigan.
Michigan has two kinds of advance directives.
Michigan durable power of attorney for health care form pdf.
The principal and their patient advocate should share similar values as to health care and the advocate should be able to comfortably fulfill the principal s requests when the time comes.
In michigan the patient advocate designation statute is found under.
Michigan power of attorney forms authorize a representative to make decisions and act on behalf of the principal the individual being represented.
Printed materials such as brochures that target external audiences are required to include the current michigan medicine executive officers regents the non discrimination policy statement and copyright language.
The arrangement may be limited to authorizing the representative to handle a single transaction or they can receive total authority to manage the principal s finances.
Read the state statutes to find out more about the specific laws in michigan.
Power of attorney forms are state specific so you need to use a michigan mi power of attorney form that meets the state s.
Michigan power of attorney forms provides a method by which you can appoint someone to represent your interests and act in your place with the same authority you carry this means that the person you appoint will have access to information and the ability to conduct a variety of transactions with your name.
This power of attorney has effect only if i become unable to participate in treatment decisions.
There are two types of advance directives in michigan that you can use to plan for your future healthcare in the unfortunate circumstance that you are incapable of making decisions for yourself.
Health care power of attorney can be used to appoint an agent to make decisions for you regarding medical treatment in the unfortunate situation where you cannot communicate your wishes yourself.
Advance directives in the state of michigan.
One is the durable power of attorney for healthcare dpoa hc which can be used in both inpatient and ambulatory care settings within the university of michigan hospitals and health centers.
The michigan medical power of attorney form is used to designate a patient advocate to make all health care decisions for the principal if they become incapacitated due to illness old age or injury.
They are designed with flexibility and are customizable to your content.
The following templates are available for use by u m faculty staff and students.