No medicare will not purchase a portable oxygen concentrator.
Medicare guidelines for portable oxygen concentrator.
Medicare will not purchase or cover the costs of purchasing a portable oxygen concentrator.
For medicare to cover portable oxygen concentrators poc your doctor must certify that you have a near constant need for oxygen and are mobile within your home.
However this only applies for the rental of a portable or home oxygen concentrator.
If you have medicare part b you will rent your oxygen concentrator from a dme supplier for 36 months three years.
You may have been told by your homecare provider that medicare does not cover portable oxygen concentrators or that they simply do not carry them.
You ll rarely be given a full explanation in part because it s complicated.
If you have just been prescribed oxygen and haven t been on any kind of medical oxygen before this may be your best chance to get a portable covered by insurance or medicare.
The situation with medicare and portable oxygen concentrators is a little complicated.
Medicare does provide support for durable medical equipment dme including items such as home hospital beds and wheelchairs.
Your prescribed flow rate as well as whether you will require pulse dosing or continuous flow.
The yes and no of medicare coverage.
The answer is yes and no.
In 2013 medicare cut their reimbursement rates by 50.
However medicare does not provide oxygen tanks for just anyone.
People sometimes think that because oxygen therapy counts as a dme medicare will cover a portable oxygen concentrator.
Medicare covers the rental of oxygen concentrators and other oxygen equipment for up to five years as long as you continue to have a medical need for oxygen therapy.
Therefore part b covers oxygen tanks as dme.
Medicare will pay the supplier a monthly rental fee for the first 36 months.
If you can advocate that a concentrator is absolutely necessary to continue your work or some for some other reason and that the portable will be your main or only source of oxygen you may get approved.
The amount of time you will need supplemental oxygen and frequency of need typically you must have a 24 7 need for oxygen therapy to qualify for portable oxygen concentrator medicare coverage your doctor s signature.
Medicare coverage for durable medical equipment dme specifically states that beneficiaries must require said equipment for use in the home.
The fee includes all equipment oxygen supplies and maintenance.
Medicare categorizes oxygen tanks as durable medical equipment dme.
Unlike other types of dme oxygen equipment is always rented in a five year cycle and you never have the option to buy it.
Yes medicare does cover portable oxygen concentrators.
Your supplier must provide equipment and supplies for up to a total of 5 years as long as you have a medical need for oxygen.