Use increased lap lengths for added protection.
Metal roof to wall flashing detail.
This will keep weather out prevent lifting in high winds and provide a neat fin ished appearance.
What is sidewall flashing on a metal roof.
Often with new construction the roof flashing is first nailed to the wall.
There sometimes is a problem with movement differences of the wall and the roof decking when the flashing is fastened to both the wall and the roof.
Then the house wrap and exterior wall covering are installed over this roof flashing.
Do not rely on sealant as a substitute for proper lapping.
Step flashing installed as each course of shingles is installed involves placing an individual piece of metal flashing bent at a right angle against the building wall extending up the wall 4 and onto the roof a minimum of 2 4 is preferable.
Cold roof insulation between rafters wnapor barrier on warm side below orw sheatiiing roofing roofing 2 x 8 sleepers notched for vent aligned wi rafters flashing over rooang fascia sheatiiing 2 x 4 sleepers aligned w rafters provide.
Roofing the right way installing wall counter flashing for a new metal roof.
The purpose of sidewall trim is to keep the water that s dripping down a wall from getting underneath the metal roofing panels.
78 build supplement flashings section 4 roof wall intersections roof to wall junction branz is sometimes asked how to detail roof to wall junctions.
At the gable edge use a gable or sidewall flashing.
Sidewall flashing for a metal roof is the metal that s installed on a vertical wall along the gable side of the metal roof.
One common method is to lay the edge metal under the eaves membrane and over the rake.
To provide a drip edge allow an overhang of 1 to 2 inches at the eave.
Other roof protrustions sothat notiiing obstructs tiieflow ofair from eave to ridge.
New zealand metal roofing manufacturers inc.
Two ways to flash roof edges.
The detailing can be tricky but following the acceptable solution and these step by step illustrations will help.
Protect the eave from ice dams and sideways rain step one in steep slope roofing is the edge flashing.
April 2012 nz metal roof and wall cladding code of practice table of contents v 2 2 page 3 table of contents 1 1 0 table of contents 2 0p erformance 3 0 construction load 4 0 d esign 5 0f lashings 6 0p enetrations 7 0i nstallation 8 0 roof drainage 9 0 plastic roof lighting 10 0 pressed metal tiles.
Use fasteners that are compatible with or of the same type of metal as the flashing material.
Roof and deck flashing recommendations for coastal areas always lap flashing and other moisture barriers properly.