The color army green with hexadecimal color code 4b5320 is a dark shade of yellow green.
Military green pantone color.
In a rgb color space hex 4b5320 also known as army green is composed of 29 4 red 32 5 green and 12 5 blue.
In the hsl color space 4b5320 has a hue of 69 degrees 44 saturation and 23 lightness.
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There are some that have a gray and white pattern that is considered a digital camouflage design.
The cmyk values and percentages for army green whereas the rgb values focus on a 3 color combination the cmyk values focus on 4 color combinations.
The hexadecimal rgb code of army green color is 4b5320.
This color has an approximate wavelength of 567 3 nm.
The decimal rgb color code is rgb 75 83 32.
Army green rgb color code.
Convert rgb color named military green to hex pantone hsl hsv hsb json.
Shop for pantone 17 0535 tcx green olive samples and products on pantone.
Green hex rgb pantone and cmyk color codes.
In the rgb red green blue system the army green color percentage is comprised of army green in the rgb system is 78 91 49.
Whereas in a cmyk color space it is composed of 9 6 cyan 0 magenta 61 4 yellow and 67 5 black.
Convert colour military green to rgb hex pantone ral or cmyk.
This code is composed of a hexadecimal 4b red 75 256 a 53 green 83 256 and a 20 blue component 32 256.
This color was named with the keyword military green by the users.
Aqua green army green bright green celadon christmas green corn green dark green emerald green fluorescent green forest green girl scout green grass green green screen color hunter green irish green jade green kelly green leaf green lightsaber green lime green midnight green military green mint green neon green olive green pastel green petrol pine.
Convert pantone 17 0535 tcx green olive color into rgb hex and cmyk values.