Granite falls and minneapolis are 2 hours 37 mins far apart if you drive non stop.
Minneapolis to granite falls.
This is the fastest route from granite falls mn to minneapolis mn.
Explore all of the routes from minneapolis mn to granite falls mn compare the flight distance to driving distance from minneapolis mn to granite falls mn calculate the total cost to drive from minneapolis mn to granite falls mn.
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Arrive at the gate at aty deboard the plane and claim any baggage.
The total driving distance from minneapolis mn to granite falls mn is 125 miles or 201 kilometers.
The halfway point is hutchinson mn.
The cheapest way to get from minneapolis to granite falls costs only 136 and the quickest way takes just 5 hours.
It ends in granite falls minnesota.
Save big with greyhound cheap bus tickets from 42.
Granite falls is the same time as minneapolis taxi on the runway for an average of 15 minutes to the gate.
Looking for alternate routes.
Find the travel option that best suits you.
Find out how many hours from minneapolis to granite falls by car if you re planning a road trip.
Compare all options side by side and book your bus ticket online directly from wanderu.
The halfway point is hutchinson mn.
4 44 pm local time.
Wanderu searches multiple bus companies to find the cheapest prices on buses from minneapolis mn to granite falls mn.
Yes the driving distance between minneapolis to granite falls is 126 miles.
There are 112 22 miles from minneapolis to granite falls in west direction and 127 miles 204 39 kilometers by car following the mn 7 route.
Book your next greyhound bus from minneapolis minnesota to granite falls minnesota.
Minneapolis and granite falls are 2 hours 38 mins far apart if you drive non stop.
It takes approximately 2h 29m to drive from minneapolis to granite falls.
Your trip begins in minneapolis minnesota.
It s 125 miles or 201 km from minneapolis to granite falls which takes about 2 hours 15 minutes to drive.