Gone to bar bought a drink to mary asked about herself didnt sleep with robert.
Mat dream daddy walkthrough.
A dad dating simulator.
Mat the cool dad craig the fitness dad damien the goth dad hugo the teacher dad brian the rival dad bonus achievements little extra things comments.
You can do all 2nd dates save and then do all 3rd dates returning to the save.
The first step in getting mat s ending in dream daddy happens when you decide to visit the coffee spoon.
Once there you need to order coffee banana bread.
Mat cool dad sella is one of the dateable dads in dream daddy he owns the local coffee shop the coffee spoon mat has a daughter named carmensita mat s favorite pastime includes hanging around the coffee spoon perfecting his coffee brewing techniques testing new recipes for the shop record shopping and going to live concerts.
Our first encounter with mat will take place at coffe spoon.
Joseph the cool youth minister dad.
Without further ado let s start with the guide from dream daddy to reach all possible endings in the game.
Unpack joseph no choices leading to approval get coffee.
Regardless of which daddy you fancy dream daddy has something to offer all players and to achieve your perfect ending we put together this simple walkthrough to get be daddiest dad you can be.
When asked which type of coffee you like your initial answer won t matter we picked iced teagan and sara.
No spoilers but it also has one hell of a twist if you get the bad ending that will be released to the public at a later date.
Save before chosing answers on dates.
A dad dating simulator.
The effect is not instant sometimes.
Dream daddy mat s ending the first thing that you need to do is to head to the coffee spoon.
Now i feel mat s third date is super short when compared to everyone else s.
Black coffee mat hearts iced teagan and sara mat hearts chai antwoord mat hearts banana bread kennedys mat hearts right said banana bread mat hearts park fresh air.
G guide of dream daddy.
Rather than unpacking or exploring the park coffee should be your first priority.
Maybe something from the previous dates that we didn t pick up on and now have to suffer with.
The save i am doing it on.
The first step in getting hugo s ending in dream daddy happens when you visit amanda s school.
Below you ll find the steps needed to get hugo s ending in dream daddy.
Makes me wonder are we missing something.