Trenches are caused by plate movement.
Match the ocean floor feature with its characteristic apex.
Abyssal plain very flat part of ocean floor c.
1 himalayas continental continental.
Oceanic oceanic.
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What is required for an ocean trench to form.
Match the mountains with thedescription of its formation.
A himalayas a continental conti clairelogan clairelogan 11 09 2017 geography high school match the mountains with the description of its formation.
Grow toward the cave floor.
Find an answer to your question match the mountains with the description of its formation.
Match the glacial feature with its description.
When one rock fragment strikes another and they break.
Terms in this set 21 abrasion.
Terms in this set 44 why do only active margins have trenches.
A himalayas a continental continental b andes b near an active continental margin c aleutians c terrane accretion d north american codillera d.
Seamount near the continental margin see answer mirrorkitten mirrorkitten the characteristics and definitions for each concept are stated below.
In various places in the world the entire sequence of oceanic crust and upper mantle is exposed.
Match mountains thedescription formation.
Match the ocean floor feature with its characteristic.
Start studying apex earth science b 2 3.
Where a stream disappears into the ground.
This ridge can rise from 1 to 3 kilometers above the ocean basin.
Near an active continental margin.
These are slices of the ocean floor that have been thrust above sea level by the action of plate tectonics.
These areas include among others newfoundland and the pacific coast ranges of california the island of cyprus in the mediterranean sea and the mountains in oman on the southeastern tip.
Grow toward the cave ceiling.
Holes left by glaciers 4.
Rift zone site of seafloor spreading b.
A cave that has collapsed because of gravity.
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What type of mountain is formed due to the.
Apex earth science b 2 3.
The ocean floor feature that consist of chains of individual volcanoes is called mid ocean ridges.
Yes the deep ocean floors are of.
Continental continental.
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A characteristic of shield type volcanoes where.
What type of mountain is not formed due to plate collision.
The most prominent feature on the ocean floor is basalt.
Why do passive margins have no trenches.